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Land Tours 1/2 Day

Adventure Awaits

We know that your time ashore is precious, and we also know that it can be stressful worrying about ship departures. So let us worry about that. When you book a tour with us, let us know your final boarding time and we will ensure we worry for you, and we will keep and eye on the time. We want you to relax and take in the splendor of our beautiful island. We will ensure you are on time and have time to spare in order to take in a few of the souvenir shops before you head on to your next exotic location.


Land Tours ½ day

  • Southern Loop 

Join us as we explore the island and its colourful history and traditions. We will meander down past the iconic Salt flats and learn the history of salt on the island of Bonaire. As we continue down past the iconic Slave Huts, we will pause for photos along the way and learn the history of enslaved people on the island of Bonaire. Our journey continues around the southern most tip of the island and onto the rugged east coast pausing upon request for photos. Along the way, we will see many creative sculptures made from driftwood thrown up by the ocean. Who made them? Only the wind and the seas know. We now continue to the small Lac Bay, where we stop for lunch. Please sit back, relax and watch the brightly coloured windsurfers as they blaze across the bay's shallow waters. Want to take a dip? Go ahead and wade on in. We will return to Kralendijk, where you can finish off your adventure by strolling past the many small shops and art galleries and hopefully pick up a souvenir or two of your time spent on our idyllic island of Bonaire.

  • Northern Loop

In this adventure, we head North out of town and along the coast, pausing to snap photos at some of the scenic overlooks we encounter. We travel north to the famous dive site Karpata and the ruins of the Landhuis Karpata Plantation, built in the 19th century. A photographer's dream as we learn the history and snap some more photos. We continue north to Lake Gotomeer and pause to observe the Pink Flamingos. Bonaire is home to thousands of these beautiful birds, and Bonaire is one of the few places in the world where these shy birds nest. We now head inland to the village of Rincon. Rincon is the oldest village on the island, as early settlers choose this sight to hide from pirates. Ever wanted to try Cactus? Here we stop and sample the spirits produced on the island at the local distillery of, the Cadushi Distillery.  We leave Rincon behind us and go further back in time as we look at the ancient Indian inscriptions estimated to date back to the 15th century and marvel at the boulders thrown up by a long-gone angry sea. Before heading back, one of our last stops will be high up on the overlook, overlooking the town of Kralendijk. From here, you will be able to see both the East Coast and the West coast and spy Curacao far in the distance on clear days. We conclude our tour back in the central city, allowing you to now travel on foot and explore the small shops of the city center.

Tour pick up will be shore side. Details will be included in your confirmation email. 

Land Tours ½ day - $150 per pax max 4

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